%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A SHERLY NOVIA SARI, NIM. 14620042 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2018 %F digilib:32106 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Activated carbon, CNF, banana peel, CVD. %P 74 %T SINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI CARBON NANO FIBER (CNF) DARI KARBON AKTIF LIMBAH KULIT PISANG DENGAN METODE CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION (CVD) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/32106/ %X Carbon Nano Fibers became one of the revolutions in materials science and nanotechnology and became one of the most studied fields in the 10 years. This research utilizes banana peel waste because of the large annual banana production reaching 6.8 million tons so this impacts to the amount of waste produced, this research uses banana peel as a carbon source by processing banana peel into low cost activated carbon. In this research, Carbon Nano Fibers were synthesized using a precursor from banana peel activated carbon with 5% H2So4 chemical activation, 3% wt Ni catalyst and acetylene (C2H2) as another carbon source with Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) methods with 3 temperature variations 500oC, 600oC and 700oC. SEM characterization on CNF samples variations of temperature 500oC, 600oC and 700oC obtained diameter size of ± 500nm, ± 90nm and ± 30nm, respectively, where the best result was obtained at temperature variation 700oC with CNF diameter formed around 30 nm and the result of CNF characterization using XRD shows the CNF sample temperature variation of 500oC, 600oC and 700oC the emerging diffraction peak is characteristic of CNF, for the temperature variation of 700oC at 2θ with the peak angle respectively 26.02o, 42.33o, 44.29o, 50.21o and 59.07o and for variations of 500oC and 600oC showed similarly diffraction peaks. The effect of temperature on this research indicates that the higher the treatment temperature in the CVD process, the smaller CNF diameter is formed. %Z Asih Melati M.Sc.,