@phdthesis{digilib32270, month = {May}, title = {TINJAUAN SOSIOLOGI HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP PRAKTIK JUAL BELI SAREN (STUDI DESA M KABUPATEN SLEMAN)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 14380018 AGUSTINA CANDRA ANGGADITA}, year = {2018}, note = {Dr. Mochamad Sodik, S.Sos., M.Si,}, keywords = {Saren, Sociology of Islamic Law, Saren, Sosiologi Hukum Islam 'Urf}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/32270/}, abstract = {Human nature is a social creature that can never escape from interaction with other human beings, one form of interaction that occurs among human beings ie buying and selling. Purchase and sale is one of the instruments in meeting the needs of human life based on the principle of likes like. One form of buying and selling that still occurs in the community, especially in the Village Mgw Sleman is buying and selling saren. Saren is a chicken-based food that is cooked with various additional spices to add flavor, after the process of blood is finished and saren on sale and consumed by the buyer. Islamic law strictly prohibits people to consume blood as it has in His Word in Al Maidah Surah paragraph 3. Sale and purchase of saren has lasted so long that people are accustomed to consume these foods despite knowing that the food is based chicken blood. This research is field research that is research done directly in field or location that will become object of research which aims to know the practice of buying and selling saren from side of Sociology of Islamic Law, that is how msyarakat influence the creation of law and vice versa how law can influence behavior of society. So this research is analytical descriptive, that explains or gives an idea of how the public view of the practice of buying and selling of saren conducted by the village community Mgw in terms of Sociology of Islamic Law. In addition, the authors also conducted interviews with the communities involved in the process of buying and selling such as the House of Slaughterhouses and Traders themselves and consumers. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the practice of buying and selling saren is essentially haram to be done because it has been firmly banned in Islam. Therefore whatever the reasons and opinions of people who consider that buying and selling of saren is halal it is wrong and worth to be addressed and stopped. The sale and purchase of saren has been going on since zamandahulu until now, so the society considers it as a natural thing and has become a habit, in Islamic law the habit is called by 'urf. 'Urf is divided into 2 ie' urf saheeh and 'urf fasid, based on the description that has been mentioned that consume saren is haram hence this activity included into class' urf fasid. Apart from being prohibited in the Qur'an, consuming saren can also trigger the disease because the blood contains bad bacteria contained in the body that is the process of body metablism. In addition, the community's belief about the efficacy of saren is not necessarily the truth so that the rule of fiqh Dar'u Al Mafasid Muqaddamun 'ala Jalbil Mashalih means to reject the ultimate kemudharatan than reaching mashlahat. Because preventing the disease caused by saren is more important than taking advantage of saren that can not be proven.} }