%A NIM. 11150010 Linda Lutfiyatus Saadah %O Ulyati Retno Sari, M.Hum %T WAR AS SEEN IN BLACK SABBATH’S WAR PIGS A Graduating Paper %X War pigs is a song by Black Sabbath. This song depicts a war by third point of view. War is a conflict that happens when a part have different view, ideologies, or interest with other parties. War becomes an in teresting object to be analyzed because it still happens until now. The purpose of this research is to find out and to analyze more about depiction of war in the song. This research uses New Criticism by Cleanth Brooks. It uses qualitative research methode. Close reading technique is applied to collect the data. From the analysis, this research has founded the idea of the speaker as the third person point of view that is divided into three parts, 1) the begining of the war, 2) what happens to the leader of the war during the war, and 3) the end of the word, the end of the war and the aftermath of it. Those parts of the lyric build events chronologically uttering by the third person point of view to shoe the describtion of the war. %K war, “War Pigs”, New Criticism, point of view %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib32470