%A NIM. 11710128 Khoiril Anwar %O Zidni Immawan Muslimin, S.Psi., M.Si %T HUBUNGAN ANTARA REGULASI EMOSI DENGAN STRES AKADEMIK PADA MAHASISWA BARU %X This study aims to determine the relationship between emotional regulation with academic stress in new undergraduate students. Participants were 164 people. Quota sampling is used as the sampling technique. Instrument of data collection in this study is using a scale of emotion regulation of 18 items (rx =0,838) and Scale for Assessing Academic Stress (SAAS) of 23 items (rx = 0,838). The methode of data analysis using a Spearman correlation test. The result of analysis indicate that negative correlation between emotional regulation with academic stress in participants (p = 0.000). %K Emotional Regulation, Academic Stress, New Undergraduate Student %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib32589