%A NIM. 14820147 NURAHMAN FATOLAH %O DRS. AKHMAD YUSUF KHOIRUDIN, S.E.,M.SI. %T PENGARUH RELATIONSHIP MARKETING, DAYA TANGGAP DAN KERAMAHAN FRONTLINER TERHADAP LOYALITAS NASABAH DENGAN IKATAN EMOSIONAL SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING %X Marketing is an activity that is important for the survival of a company. Companies must pay attention to the marketing process they run in order to attract and even retain the consumers. Relationship marketing is one of the marketing concepts that prioritizes closeness with consumers. The company must be able to understand the needs, perceived complaints and always give priority to all consumers without discriminating to establish good relationships with consumers. In addition, companies must also pay attention to the services they provide to consumers, such as always smiling, always friendly and responsive to consumer needs. This study aims to analyze the effect of relationship marketing, responsiveness and frontliner friendliness on customer loyalty with emotional ties as an intervening variable. In this study is a survey research conducted at BNI Syariah Yogyakarta. The number of samples used was 100 respondents. The sampling method in this study is non probability sampling while the retrieval technique is incidental sampling. Data processing tools use the Statistical Product Moment and Service Solution (SPSS) For Windows software. The results (t test) show that relationship marketing and frontliner friendliness have a negative effect on customer loyalty. While frontliner responsiveness and emotional bond variables have a positive effect on customer loyalty. The results (t test) on emotional bonding showed the results that frontliner responsiveness and friendliness variables had a positive effect while relationship marketing had a negative influence on emotional bonding. Based on (F test) variable relationship marketing, responsiveness and frontliner friendliness simultaneously affect the emotional bond and customer loyalty. The results of path analysis measurements show that frontliner responsiveness and friendliness variables have a positive effect while relationship marketing has a negative influence on customer loyalty. %K Relationship Marketing, Responsiveness, Frontliner Hospitality, Emotional Bond, and Customer Loyalty %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib32752