%A NIM. 14820145 ERRY NITA RAHAYU %O JOKO SETYONO, SE.,M.Si. %T PREFERENSI NASABAH PERBANKAN SYARIAH TERHADAP LAYANAN E-CHANNEL DI BNI SYARIAH %X This study aims to provide empirical evidence on the effect of easy of use, visibility, and security on customers' preferences in using BNI Syariah's E-Channel (Internet banking and mobile banking) facility. The data used in this study is the primary data. Data collection is done using a questionnaire. All questions have been tested and declared valid and reliable, the test equipment used is multiple linear regression. F test results show that simultaneously or simultaneously variable of easy of use, visibility, and security to customer preference in using BNI Syariah E-Channel (Internet banking and mobile banking) facility. T test results indicate that the variable easy of use and visibility has a significant effect on customer preferences. While security does not affect the preferences of customers. The coefficient of determination (Adjusted %K easy of use, visibility, security, customer preference %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib32753