<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR"^^ . "Woman as the top leader in pesantren remains unacceptable by some people in Indonesia. In fact, pesantren is identified with the power of Kyai or man as the founder, caregiver and leader. Hence, some pesantrens are not able to survive after Kyai passed away. The role of a woman is greatly weakened in the life of pesantren even though it has the highest position as experienced by Nyai Khoiriyah, the leader of Pesantren Seblak in Jombang. Contrary, in the case of Umi Waheeda at Pesantren Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Parung Bogor shows that woman is actually able to run a pesantren and make it more advanced than before. Pesantren which in fact as the base of spreading the values of aditionalistpatriarchal Islamic teachings is often not to use the normative-textual point ofview to say that woman is only allowed to lead woman itself. Thus, a woman whobecomes top leaders in pesantren is considered against nature and opposite to thevalues of Islamic teachings.To answer that, the author uses the theory of Hildred Geertz which willshow that gender is not the only determinant factor of leadership and using otherleadership theories. This study focuses on how Umi Waheeda's ideological\r\nawareness as a female leader of pesantren, her leadership typology and whatstrategy is being done in order to maintain the pesantren. The aim of this researchis to know the prospect of women leadership in Indonesia, especially in pesantren.This research is field research with Gender, Psychology and Anthropologyapproaches. Data were obtained through observation, interview anddocumentation methods. Informants were selected using the snowball samplingtechnique therefore it could reach a wealth of information resources during theresearch process. The validity of data is done by triangulation and analyzeddescriptively-analytically.This study shows 3 things first, the leadership of Umi Waheeda is notbased on ideological awareness of women able to lead. Thus, even if herleadership brings much progress in pesantren, it cannot be said as a women'sleadership that upholds the principle of equality, but operates only at the technicallevel underpinned by emergency factors. Second, she believe that the dominantmasculine character is an effective leadership model. In leading the pesantren thedominance of Umi Waheeda's masculine character is prominent, resulting in asignificant fear and subordination among the santri and pesantren boarders. Third,the strategy in transforming the santri field of training into basic income pesantrenhas succeeded in changing the face of pesantren. However, the role of women is\r\nagain placed in a weak position."^^ . "2018-07-27" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PASCASARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 1620010038"^^ . "Riska Dwi Agustin"^^ . "NIM. 1620010038 Riska Dwi Agustin"^^ . . . . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR (Text)"^^ . . . . . "1620010038_BAB I, BAB V, DAFTAR PUSTAKA, LAMPIRAN.pdf"^^ . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR (Text)"^^ . . . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "PEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \r\nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #32828 \n\nPEREREMPUAAN PEMIMPIN PESANTREN (STUDI UMI WAHEEDA DI PESANTREN \nAL ASHRIYYYAH NURUUL IMAN PARUNG, BOGOR\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Gender" . .