%A NIM. 13620003 Desriani Rahayu %O Khamidinal, M.Si %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM DETEKSI MINYAK GORENG BERCAMPUR LILIN MENGGUNAKAN PHOTODIODA DAN LED BERBASIS MIKROKONTROLER ARDUINO UNO %X The research on detection system of cooking oil mixed paraffin using photodiode and LED based arduino uno microcontroller has been done. This study aimed to create and test the detection system of cooking oil mixed paraffin using photodiode, LED and arduino uno. This research was done through three phases: characterization of photodiode sensor, manufacturing and testing of detection system. The results showed that the photodiode sensor had characteristics of transfer function V = 0.0282I - 0.0182 with very strong input and output relationship (r = 0.975); sensitivity was 0.0282 volt / lux; the level of repeatability was very high with percentage of 99.98% and saturation on the input values of light intensity ≥90 lux. The successful implementation of the detection system on the test sample was 100%. %K cooking oil, paraffin, photodiode %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib32906