%A NIM. 16204080040 Sukiyat %O Dr. H. Abdul Munip, M.Ag %T PENGINTEGRASIAN BUDAYA KEMATARAMAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN TATA KRAMA ISLAMI DI MI MA’ARIF PLAMPANG KABUPATEN KULON PROGO %X The problem in this study is the issuance of the Kulon Progo Regent Regulation Number 65 of 2017 concerning character education which states that kemataraman culture becomes a learning program in Islamic Elementary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah). Whereas in reality, Islamic Elementary School has an Islamic religion-based education. Therefore, integration between kemataraman culture with Islamic manners education in accordance with the vision, mission and goals of the Islamic school is applied. The purpose of this study was to describe the integration of kemataraman culture in Islamic manners education at MI Ma’arif Plampang Islamic Elementary School in the implementation of classroom learning and its application in the school, using a differentiated integrative learning model. This research is a qualitative descriptive field research. The research subjects were the head of the school, the teachers, and students in grades IV-VI. The data collection techniques use interview, observation and documentation methods while the data analysis uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation, collation and conclusion drawing. The results of the data analysis show that firstly, MI Ma'arif Plampang integrates the culture of kemataraman in the education of Islamic manners based on the guidelines for character education arranged by the Regent of Kulon Progo, by emphasizing mutual respect, according to the teachings of Islam, applying the method of scientific learning whose exploration process uses the bayani, burhani and irfani systems. Secondly, the material content of the kemataraman culture which is integrated in the education of Islamic manners which include language manners, Javanese language and literature element which the lesson of akidah akhlak (moral theology). Thirdly, the values that are developed are religious value, politeness value, respecting others, especially respecting older people and friends of the same age. The students have the skill in implementing kemataraman culture to communicate using Javanese. The fourth, the supporting factors are the government policy on the traditional Javanese style Yogyakarta clothing which should be worn every Kamis Pahing (Thursday Pahing of the Javanese Calendar), the teacher quality and the school facility, and the outsiders of the school to the integrated kemataraman culture. %K integration, culture, Javanese language. %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib33580