@mastersthesis{digilib33591, month = {November}, title = {KOMPETENSI PEDAGOGIK DAN SOSIAL GURU KELAS DALAM PENDIDIKAN INKLUSI DI SD NEGERI BALIREJO YOGYAKARTA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 16204080008 J A M I ? I N}, year = {2018}, note = {Dr. Sri Sumarni, M.Pd}, keywords = {Pedagogic Competence, Social Competence, Inclusion Education}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/33591/}, abstract = {As for the background of this study is the unavailability of special mentoringteachers (GPK) in inclusive education organized by SD Negeri Balirejo so that the learning process is still handled by the clasroom teacher. Besides that, the teachers have not received practical training and most of those who are given the nature only limited to socialization. Schools and governments, especially those that have appointed Balirejo Public Elementary School as an inclusion pilot school, should have prepared mentoring for the class teachers. But the reality is not available until now. As a result of the unavailability of special mentoring teachers (GPK) it will ultimately have an impact on student learning processes and outcomes. Research in this thesis refers to the pedagogic and social competencies of classroom teachers in inclusive education and takes the title of Pedagogic and Sociaal Competencies of Class Teachers in Inclusive Education in Balirejo Public Elementary School. The purpose of this study is 1) To determine the pedagogic competence of classroom teachers in inclusive education in Balirejo Public Elementary School, 2) To find out the social competence of class teachers in inclusive in Balirejo Public Elementary School, 3) Want to know the implementation of educational inclusion in Balirejo Public Elementary School, and 4) To find out the learning outcomes of students with special needs at SD Negeri Balirejo. Based on the results of the author's research on the pedagogical and social competencies of class teachers in inclusion education at Balirejo Public Elementary School in Yogyakarta, there were several findings found by researchers in this study, namely: First, the teacher approaches the ABK child and positions the ABK children to sit in the front so that they can receive the lesson well especially for the child who has tuna. Second, the social competence of class teachers at SD Negeri Balirejo is very good, where the class teacher has been able to identify two students who have indicated their ABK who have never been assessed. The two students fall into the category of "tuneless" and "slow learner". Besides that, the class teacher was able to provide special handling for the two students. Where is the one for the tuned child by capturing the child as an adopted child and even every day he is given pocket money. With the treatment of the class teacher, until now the child has changed and even he is seen active in learning activities and extracurricular activities. while the slow learner child is given more attention to the persuasive approach to the child and conducts socialization in the classroom by explaining the rights and diversity that exists, so that they want to get along without discriminating between friends, both physically and psychologically. Third, the implementation of inclusive education in Balirejo Public Elementary School has little to do with education in general, where learning activities are handled by classroom teachers without the viii assistance of special staff (GPK) who have academic qualifications in the ABK field. But despite the limited ability related to academic qualifications, the class teacher has been able to identify students without prior assessment. Regarding ABK student admissions, the acceptance is still in slow learner and it has been determined by the Office about what quota will be taken. Fourth, related to the assessment of the learning outcomes of ABK students, to note that, ABK children do not have to be seen from their cognitive abilities, it seems that they are still far from regular students. But in terms of skills, ABK children have the ability to make batik. Where, the ABK child is more disciplined, diligent and meticulous and has better work than regular children. In addition, ABK children in the school are also able to carry out other extracurri} }