%A NIM. 1530016061 Khabibi Muhammad Luthfi %O Prof. Dr. H. Sugeng Sugiono, MA %T EPISTEMOLOGI NAH{W MODERN DAN KONTRIBUSINYA DALAM PENGEMBANGAN SINTAKSIS ARAB PEDAGOGIS (Studi Perbandingan antara Syauqi> D{aif [1910-2005] dan Tamma>m H{assa>n [1918-2011]) %X A classical Arabic syntax crisis, that is philosophicaltheological- prescriptive, makes it difficult for learners to learn. Hence, modern linguists reconstruct it, and offer the Arabic syntax that is scientific-descriptive-pedagogical. Among the linguists, Syauqī D{aif [1910-2005] and Tammām H{assān [1918-2011] are the most influential ones because of composing the new Arabic syntax and at the same time explaining the epistemology in the whole work. However, not a few people consider that they only simplify and redefinethe classical Arabic syntax so that it is not epistemological. Moreover, in the context of Arabic language education in Indonesia, the epistemology of Arabic syntax, both classic and modern, requires a proper portion. As a result, the Arabic syntax is compiled or is used by following the classical Arabic syntax, and less concerned on the epistemological foundations of Arabic syntax. Consequently, pedagogical syntax for Indonesian learners is quite difficult to learn because it is philosophical-theological. Based on the problem, this study aims to compare the epistemology of Arabic syntax composed by Syauqī and the one by Tammām, and to relate the epistemology from both of them in preparing pedagogical syntax for Indonesian learners. The scientific approach used to solve the problems is the philosophy of language education with the epistemology theory of classic and modern nah{w, educational linguistics, and pedagogical grammar. As for the methodological approach, this research used synthetic-heuristic approach through library data. While for the data analysis, this studyapplied the internal discourse of the text with linguistic analysis methods, intertectual and comparative. Based on the finding of the research, it was found that epistemologically, Syauqī composed pedagogical grammar by using educational linguistic approach, and Tammām, with an integrative approach between classical and Western Arabic linguistics, composed pedagogical syntax and scientific syntax. In developing Arabic syntax, both used the source of classical texts, turās\ and modern texts. The method used by Syauqī was the naqd and tajdi>d an-nah{w in order to produce the theory of taisi>r an-nah{w, and Tammām applied istis{h{a>b method and was{fiyyah in order to find the tad{a>fur al-qara>’in and zaman wa jihah. As viewed from educational linguistics, the pedagogical syntax developed by Syauqī is a criticalstructural- behavioris-mediation, while Tammām is a criticalfunctional- constructivist-social. In developing this pedagogical syntax, both used the method naqd al-us{u>l, tas{ni>f al-qawa>‘id; tansi>q an-nah{w at-ta‘li>mi> li an-na>t{iqi>n, tansi>q annah{ w at-ta‘li>mi> li gair an-na>t{iqi>n; dan ta‘ri>d{ al-mawa>d. Based on the epistemology, Arabic syntax developed by the two so that it produced pedagogical syntax, the arrangement of the pedagogical syntax for the most relevant novice Indonesian learner is the Indonesian-Arabic approach model. The results of this study are different from the educational linguistics in general that are "passive" on the discussion of the process in producing the scientific grammar of the linguist. %K Epistemology, Modern, Arabic Syntax, Pedagogical-Syntax %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib33650