@phdthesis{digilib33871, month = {January}, title = {A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSLATION OF H\}ARF FI{\ensuremath{>}} IN SURAH ALI ?IMR{\=A}N BY TALAL ITANI AND MUHAMMAD MARMADUKE PICKTHALL}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 12150041 Rilla Fadhilatul Mufidah}, year = {2019}, note = {Kardimin, M.Hum.}, keywords = {h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}}, translation, procedure}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/33871/}, abstract = {This research discusses the translation of h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}} in surah Ali ?Imr{\=a}n by Talal Itani and Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall. H\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}} is an Arabic preposition which has some types and characteristic. Therefore, the writer interest to find out the translation of h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}} and it equivalent; and explain the differences and similarities of the translation. To support this research, the writer uses the theory of Arabic word classes, the theory of h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}}, the theory of English word classes, the theory of prepositions by Verspoor and Sauter, and theory equivalent by Mona Baker. This researches uses qualitative methods. The result in this research are: they are fifty four verse of h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}} z\}arfiyyah divided into 34 h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}} z\}arfiyyah, 1 h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}} z\}arfiyyah majazi , 14 h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}} tauki{\ensuremath{>}}d, 3 h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}} means 2 ,??? h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}} means ?? . Second, the translator used four procedure to translate the h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}}, they are literal procedure, shift procedure, compensation procedure, and paraphrase procedure. However, the percentage of using the procedure by translator are different. Based on the procedure are used, Pickthall are various than Itani in translating the h\}arf fi{\ensuremath{>}}.} }