%A NIM. 14150006 NOORY ANNISA AULIA %O Dr. Witriani, S.S., M.Hum %T PATRIARCHAL HEGEMONY AS SEEN IN T.S. ELIOT’S THE WASTE LAND %X The Waste Land talks about gender implied from the language of the poem. Gender as part of gender criticism has the endless development that makes interesting to analyze. Gender in The Waste Land is shown by the power of patriarchy embodies in this poem. Embodiment of patriarchy is implied through fictionality and foregrounding language in poetry. Later, embodiment of patriarchy in The Waste Land directs the researcher to explicate patriarchal hegemony as seen in The Waste Land. Patriarchal hegemony is seen through R.W. Connell theory, masculinity and Gramcy’s hegemony. The theory is used as tool of analysis in which to articulate men power as the important part in hegemony. Then it is understandable through the discourse as used in The Waste Land as it is well-known as the philosophical poem. This research uses descriptive qualitative method based on library research. The results show that patriarchal hegemony as seen in The Waste Land is seen through femininity and masculinity in The Waste Land, prescribing woman behavior and male dominance that are socially constructed not innate. The hegemonic way is presented through allusion. %K patriarchy, hegemony, masculinity. %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib33888