%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A QURROTA A’YUN, NIM. 14210069 %B FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI %D 2018 %F digilib:33950 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Islamic message, Dahlan Iskan, column %P 276 %T PESAN AGAMA ISLAM DALAM KOLOM DAHLAN ISKAN PADA MEDIA JAWA POS %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/33950/ %X This study analyzes the message of Islam in the Dahlan Iskan column on Jawa Pos Media. Message of Islam has various aspects and dimensions that govern human life so that it becomes a guideline for each of its adherents. Dahlan Iskan himself is a media and business figure who has a strong Islamic background. This study uses the theory of Islamic message content which is divided into seven indicators: the message of aqeedah, worship, muamalah, morals, history, culture and philosophy. The method used is simple quantitative descriptive content analysis that aims to analyze each text and sentence in the Dahlan Iskan column to describe the characteristics of the message in it. Data was collected from the documentation of the Dahlan Iskan Column text in the Jawa Pos media, Sukabumi Radar online in accordance with predetermined criteria. There are eighty five column texts from six months period. The results of the study indicate the message content of Islam in the Dahlan Iskan column. The messages contained in the acquisition of the highest points: moral values, muamalah, culture, aqeedah, worship, philosophy and history %Z Drs. Mokh. Sahlan, M.Si.