%A NIM. 11651016 BANGUN SETYO DWI ANTORO %O Aulia Faqih Rifa'i, M.Kom. %T ANALISIS DAN IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM INFORMASI E-COMMERCE BERBASIS WEB DENGAN METODE EXTREME PROGRAMING (STUDI KASUS TOKO BATIK DAN TENUN ANGGUN YOGYAKARTA) %X All this time, Anggun Batik shop has been doing a bussiness of buying and selling in a conventional way, namely distribution of brochures and exhibitions. Product and transaction data recording is still done manually by recording the data in a book. Consequently, data search takes a longer time and it is vulnerable to data loss. There is a need of an online store development in Anggun Batik shop that can market products by using online means and manage customer’s payment data. The main function of this website is as a medium of online sales to facilitate the buyer to make reservations and it helps Anggun Batik shop in processing its data. Furthermore, this website also facilitates communication between customers with the management of Anggun Batik shop through online means. This application was created by using web programming language, namely PHP and HTML that were collaborated with bootstrap template. Data obtained from Anggun Batik shop was stored and processed by using MySQL. %K sales, online store, website, PHP, HTML %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib33974