%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A HILMI MUKTITAMA, NIM. 14650039 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2018 %F digilib:34049 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Band, Music, Decision Support System, Simple Additive Weighting %P 129 %T SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN BAND MUSIK DENGAN METODE SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING (SAW) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/34049/ %X The whole process of searching and choosing a music band is not everyone’s knowledge. Because there’s a lot of variables involved inside the process of choosing a music band. That’s why a lot of people tend to use the event organizers service even though an event organizers service still manually choosing their music band which is not effective at all. For these reasons, peoples need a decision support system which can optimize the whole process of searching and choosing music band to ensure its efficiency and user-friendly enough for everyone to use. This research is about building a decision support system which use Simple Additive Weighting as its method and a filter function to make the music band searching process more specifics. Simple Additive Weighting method is a method that uses weights score taken from users as the source for the calculation process which combined with the weights of the criteria for each of the alternatives (music band). And because of the addition of the filter process, the weights of the criteria will be automatically generated by the system. In the searching process, there are three filters, genre filters, location filters, and budget filters. And in choosing the music band, there are three criteria used, they are experience, popularity, and cost. Based on the usability test results taken from 28 respondents, stated that 37.86% of them strongly agrees, 37.86% agrees, and 9.28% of them stay neutral about the decision support system for choosing music bands which is the result from this research. %Z M. Mustakim, S.T.,