%A NIM. 14820110 MUKHAMMAD FAIZ SULTON %O JOKO SETYONO, SE., M.SI. %T PENGARUH BAURAN PEMASARAN TERHADAP KINERJA PEMASARAN BANK SYARIAH (STUDI PADA BPR SYARIAH BANGUN DRAJAT WARGA YOGYAKARTA) %X Islamic banks are banks that are growing and developing in Indonesia, of course, it does not rule out the possibility of competition among banks, therefore it must be balanced by good marketing performance. One element in the marketing strategy is the marketing mix. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the marketing mix on the marketing performance of BPR Sharia Bangun Drajat Warga Yogyakarta. The population in this study were all customers of Sharia BPR BPR Sharia Bangun Drajat Warga Yogyakarta, and the sample used was 150 respondents. The data used in this study are primary data obtained from questionnaire. The analytical tool used in this study is multiple linear regression using SPSS v25 software. The results of the study show that simultaneously the product, price, promotion, and place variables influence marketing performance. But partially , the price and place variables influence the marketing performance of BPR Sharia Bangun Drajat Warga Yogyakarta. While product and promotion variables do not affect marketing performance. %K Marketing Mix, Marketing Performance, Islamic Bank %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib34096