@phdthesis{digilib34121, month = {February}, title = {PENGARUH LATAR BELAKANG PENDIDIKAN, LINGKUNGAN KERJA, DAN RELIGIUSITAS TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK NAGARI CABANG SYARIAH PADANG DAN BUKITTINGGI)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 15820031 NOVA WAHYUNI SYAFNUR}, year = {2019}, note = {JAUHAR FARADIS, S.H.I., M.A.}, keywords = {Employee Performance, Educational Background, Work Environment, Religiosity.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/34121/}, abstract = {Human resources play an important role and potential for success of an enterprise. Therefore, in order to provide a greater contribution to the Organization to gain a competitive advantage, it takes the resources that must be managed in a comprehensive manner. Educational background which is owned by employees, comfortable working environment, employee attitudes and religiosity is a factor that can affect the performance of the employees. This research aims to test the influence of educational background, work environment, and religiosity on performance of employees of Bank Nagari Padang and Sharia branches Bukittingi. The population in this study are all employees of Bank Nagari Sharia Padang and Buittinggi. The sample in this study is taken with the technique of nonprobability sampling method sampling is saturated. The collection of primary data is with the dissemination of questionnaires and interviews. There are 33 questionnaires prepared in this research. A method of data analysis in this study i.e. the validity test, test, test the assumptions of classical reabilitas, and test the hypothesis with SPPS 21.00. Research results indicate that the educational background, work environment, and religiosity are simultaneously influential significantly to the performance of the employee. Partially working environment variables affect the performance of the employees with a level of significance of 3.399 thitung 0.002 below 0.05. Variable religiosity also affect employee performance with a level of significance of 3.518 thitung 0.001 below 0.05. While the background variables have no effect on performance of employees with thitung 1.429 with significance level 0.05 0.164 above.} }