%A NIM. 15820054 WINDA NUR WIDYASTUTI %O SOFYAN HADINATA, SE., M.Sc. Ak., CA %T CORE SELF EVALUATIONS (CSE) DAN KINERJA KARYAWAN BPRS BAROKAH DANA SEJAHTERA (BDS) DI YOGYAKARTA %X The research aims to determine the effect of Core Self Evaluations (CSE) on employee performance of BPRS Barokah Dana Sejahtera (BDS) in Yogyakarta. Employee performance become important to note considering the role of employees as intangible assets that can maintain the company’s sustainability. If the employee performance increases, the company’s performance will also increase. Core self evaluations is a personality traits that consist of four dimensions namely self esteem, self efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability. The population in this research were all employees of BPRS Barokah Dana Sejahtera (BDS) in Yogyakarta. The sampling technique using non probability sampling with saturation sampling method. The data was collected using questionnaire with likert scale 4 point. The analysis is using multiple linier regression with IBM SPSS Statistics 19. From 50 questionnaires distributed to employee, only 38 questionnaires were returned and filled. The results shows that self esteem, self efficacy, and locus of control have a positive and significant effect on employee performance of BPRS Barokah Dana Sejahtera (BDS) in Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the emotional stability has no effect on employee performance of BPRS Barokah Dana Sejahtera (BDS) in Yogyakarta. %K Self Esteem, Self Efficacy, Locus of Control, Emotional Stability, and Employee Performance. %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib34161