%A NIM. 15820079 MERI NUR INDRIANI %O JOKO SETYONO, S.E.,M.SI. %T PENGGUNAAN MOBILE BANKING DENGAN PENDEKATAN TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTED MODEL (STUDI KASUS PADA IKATAN MAHASISWA KULON PROGO) %X This study aims to explain and analyze the influence of customer perceptions of Mobile Banking Bank Syariah users to the attitude and use of Mobile Banking services. Samples taken by a number of 92 customers of Mobile Banking service users. In taking the sample by using non probability sampling, precisely with the posposive sampling with the criteria of customers of Mobile Banking Bank Syariah and who have used Mobile Banking at least 1 time. Analytical techniques used are multiple linear regression and path analysis in proving the mediation variable by using tools SPSS Version 19.0 and Microsoft Excel 2010. Based on the test and the results of data analysis and discussion of the results of data analysis (verification hypothesis) concluded that Perceived Ease of Use has no positive effect on Attitude Toward Using with t-count 0,699 smaller t-tabel 1.66196. Perceived Usefullness has positive effect on Attitude Toward Using with t-count 4,737 bigger t-tabel 1.66196. Perceived Ease of Use has no positive effect on Actual Usage with t-count value of -0,031 smaller t-table 1.66196. Perceived Usefullness has a positive effect on Actual Usage with the value of t-count 2,035 bigger t-tabel 1.66196. Attitude Toward Using has a positive effect on Actual Usage with t-count 1,898 bigger t-tabel 1.66196. %K Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefullness, Attitude Toward Using, Actual Usage %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib34185