%A NIM. 162210002 Salimatun Nikmah %O Dr. H. M. Kholili, M.Si., %T Komunikasi Persuasif di Rumah Ta’aruf Taman Surga Yogyakarta (Studi Pesan Persuasif dalam Kuliah Pranikah) %X Ta'aruf is a way to find a mate according to Islamic law. Basically, there is no dating in Islam. Therefore, ta'aruf is done to avoid khalwat (dating). Finding a life partner using a matchmaking service is the way that some people go. The Islamic dating agency is an option. The “Rumah Ta'aruf Taman Surga” is one of the Islamic dating agencies in Yogyakarta. Every communication activity contains persuasion to achieve the goal. This study discusses persuasive communication conducted by the “Rumah Ta’aruf Taman Surga” (RTTS). Showing persuasive messages made by RTTS in the Prenuptial Lecture to achieve the desired goals. This research is a field research, descriptive qualitative by using content analysis as its analysis technique. Methods of collecting data using documentation (material in the form of text, audio, and video) Prenuptial Lecture, direct observation following the Prenikah Lecture and direct interview with Ustadz Awan Abdullah and RTTS admin. The results obtained in this study were persuasive communication carried out by the “Rumah Ta'aruf Taman Surga” divided into persuasive communication by Ustadz Awan Abdullah and admin roles in the Prenuptial Lecture. Prenuptial lectures on interactive Telegram links and Premarital Lectures in WhatsApp groups must be followed by members. In Pranikah Lecture there were persuasive messages delivered directly by Ustadz Awan Abdullah. Ustadz Awan Abdullah in Pranikah Lecture emphasized the members to get married in the syar'i way according to the Islamic teachings and form a syar'i family as well. Stunningly the Prophet's household or at least like the household of Ustadz Awan Abdullah. %K Persuasive Communication, Content Analysis, Ta'aruf House %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib34290