%A NIM. 1520011006 Endang Dwi Lestariningsih %O Dr. Anis Masruri, S.Ag.,S.IP.,M.Si %T ANALISIS KOLABORASI ANTAR PENELITI BIDANG KEHUTANAN PADA INSTANSI BADAN LITBANG DAN INOVASI KEMENTERIAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP DAN KEHUTANAN TAHUN 2007 – 2017 DENGAN PENDEKATAN BIBLIOMETRIK %X Collaboration between researchers is needed to produce quality scientific publications. The researcher was interested in conducting a collaborative analysis of researchers in the Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry because there had never been an evaluation of publications in the forestry sector. This research is important to determine the patterns of writing, the extent of collaboration, productivity and formal communication graphs of researchers in the Research, Development and Innovation Agency. The research method used is descriptive quantitative research method by using data from all the results of research by researchers of Research, Development and Innovation Agency indexed by the Center for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) forest science database from 2007 to 2017. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, Subramanyam method to determine the extent of research collaboration. Next to find out the relationship between collaboration and productivity the researchers used the Spearman rank correlation test. Whereas to find out the relationship between collaboration productivity and communication graph using formal communication graphs and Brillouin formulations. The results of this study were first: the extent of researchers' collaboration of 0.897 means that articles written collaborated more than those written by single researcher. Second: The most productive researcher produced 23 articles is Prof. Research. Gustan Pari. For 11 years researchers from the Research ,Development and Innovation Agency produced 573 articles written by 181 researchers with an average publication productivity of 3.2. Third: writing patterns provide information about the number of collaborative researchers; research institution; the collaboration frequency of each researcher; productivity by sex and the type of publication produced. Fourth: the results of Rank Spearman calculations obtained Rho = 0989, this means that the relationship between collaboration and productivity of researchers in the Research, Development and Innovation Agency is very high. Fifth: the results of the analysis of communication graphs with the Brillouin formulation indicate that researchers who are synthesis points do not always have high productivity, because researchers with low productivity are found as both a synthesis point and a point of intersection. %K Bibliometrics, level of collaboration, productivity, formal communication graph, writing pattern %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib34307