<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO"^^ . "Attitude competency is one of the learning outcomes that must be\r\nmastered by students in addition to knowledge and skills competencies. Even in\r\nthe 2013 Curriculum, at the elementary/MI primary education level the attitude\r\ncompetency needs to be given more attention than other competencies. It aims, if\r\nthe attitude is formed early on at the next level students already have a strong\r\ncharacter. Armed with good and strong character students will become human\r\nbeings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy,\r\nknowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become democratic and\r\nresponsible citizens in accordance with national education goals.\r\nThe subjects of Creed Morals as one of the subjects that are expected to be\r\nable to form noble characters have not been able to show their functions to the\r\nfullest. Therefore, by maximizing the assessment it is expected that it can be\r\nknown early on that students' attitudes have not been as expected. So that the\r\nresults of the assessment can be done immediately in the teaching and learning\r\nprocess.\r\nThis study aims to develop assessment instruments that can be used to\r\nassess attitude competencies. This research is Sugiyono's research and\r\ndevelopment model. From the ten steps of Sugiyono's research and development,\r\nthe steps taken in this study ended in the seventh step. This is due to the\r\nlimitations of the author in conducting research. The research subjects were class\r\nVI students, teachers, and expert teams. The object of the research is a set of\r\nattitude assessment instruments consisting of observation sheets, self assessment\r\nsheets, and assessment sheets between friends. The instrument was validated by a\r\nteam of experts consisting of assessment experts and material experts. Instrument\r\nis also assessed by class VI subject teachers.\r\nThe results of the study indicate that the attitude assessment carried out by\r\nthe teacher has not been well planned. The teacher has not yet developed his own\r\ninstrument. So it is necessary to develop an instrument model that can be used as\r\nan example in developing other attitude instruments. Test the validity of experts\r\nshows the products produced from this study have a score of 3.73 with a very\r\ngood category. The score was obtained from the average score given by expert\r\nassessment 3.76, material expert 3.72, Creed Morals MIN 2 teacher Kulon Progo\r\n3.64 MI teacher Ma'arif Karangwuni 3.70, and MI Ma'arif Dondong teacher 3.83."^^ . "2019-01-08" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PASCASARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 16204080028"^^ . "MUJADI"^^ . "NIM. 16204080028 MUJADI"^^ . . . . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO (Text)"^^ . . . . . "16204080028_BAB-I_IV_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO (Text)"^^ . . . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP\r\nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI\r\nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI\r\nDI KULON PROGO (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #34372 \n\nPENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN SIKAP \nSEBAGAI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PENERAPAN NILAI-NILAI \nYANG TERKANDUNG DALAM AKIDAH AKHLAK KELAS VI MI \nDI KULON PROGO\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah"@id . .