%A NIM. 16202010014 Ayu Usada Rengkaningtias %O Dr. Robby Habiba Abror, S.Ag., M.Hum %T KEBIJAKAN DAN STRATEGI PIMPINAN PUSAT ‘AISYIYAH DALAM MERESPON RADIKALISME %X Radicalism and terrorism have always been a phenomenon that disturbs religious life for Muslims in Indonesia. The involvement of women in radicalismterrorism acts. The radical stigma and the proximity of terrorism inherent in Islam are some of the responsibility of Aisyiyah. This is because Aisyiyah is a religious organization as well as the oldest women's movement in Indonesia. National Board of Aisyiyah (Pimpinan Pusat Aisyiyah) is the highest leader in the organization Aisyiyah. This phenomenological study is important to do to see the concrete efforts of PP Aisyiyah in responding to radicalism in Indonesia. This research also aims at sharpening Islamic discourse, particularly on radicalism and terrorism as a solution to the phenomenon. The important things to be explored in this study include the responses of PP Aisyiyah's to the radicalism, strategies and policies PP Aisyiyah in response to radicalism, and portraits of women's involvement in radicalism in Indonesia. Policy and strategy PP Aisyiyah is the result of the institutional meaning in response to radicalism. This study uses the phenomenology method, which seeks to explore the meaning of the phenomenon of radicalism from the communicator (PP Aisyiyah). The technique of collecting data uses participant observation, interviews, and documentation. As a result, PP Aisyiyah has a number of policies in response to the radicalism, namely taking the position of wasathiyah, taking steps to Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE), rejecting the concept of deradicalisation and offer moderasi concept, and promoting peaceful Islam campaigns. PP Aisyiyah’s strategy in responding to radicalism was to synergism the national program of progressive Manhaj, broccoli in the pasta, and the optimization of social media in response to radicalism. PP Aisyiyah argues that gender equality is not found in the involvement of women in radicalism-terrorism actions. In fact, women are only victims and objects of violence. %K radicalism, terrorism, women, strategy, phenomenology, PP Aisyiyah, gender. %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib34415