%0 Journal Article %@ 2579-4868 %A Tobroni, Faiq %D 2018 %F digilib:34447 %I Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia %J Jurnal Yudisial %K proportionality principle, civil rights, human rights, munakahat Islam, extramarital children, asas proporsionalitas, hak keperdataan, hak asasi manusia, munakahat Islam, anak hasil hubungan gelap %N 3 %P 307-325 %T ASAS PROPORSIONALITAS SEBAGAI MODERASI PANDANGAN HUKUM DIAMETRAL = PROPORTIONALITY PRINCIPLE AS TO MODERATE DIAMETRICAL LEGAL VIEWS %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/34447/ %V 11 %X Adanya pandangan hukum diametral tidak bisa dihindari dalam penegakan hukum. Sebagai contoh terdapat dalam Putusan Nomor 0156/Pdt.P/2013/PA.JS. Kasus ini dianalisis dengan mempertimbangkan pandangan hukum diametral. Penelitian ini mempunyai rumusan masalah apakah asas hukum yang terefleksikan dari pertimbangan hukum yang dikonstruksikan hakim untuk menyikapi hak keperdataan anak hasil hubungan gelap, serta bagaimana kasus tersebut ditinjau dari asas tersebut? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normative. Pertimbangan hukum dalam Putusan Nomor 0156/Pdt.P/2013/PA.JS menunjukkan adanya penerapan asas proporsionalitas. Penerapan asas tersebut direfleksikan dari pertimbangan hukum yang mengkompromikan semangat liberalisasi dan pembatasan hak keperdataan. Semangat liberalisasi berakar pada kemutlakan hak asasi manusia yang didukung pandangan universalisme hak asasi manusia. Sementara semangat pembatasan berakar pada sakralitas munakahat Islam yang didukung pandangan relativisme hak asasi manusia. Dengan asas tersebut, majelis hakim menyetujui beberapa hak keperdataan yang termasuk hak sakral dalam munakahat Islam. Solusinya, majelis hakim hanya memberikan hak pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup dan wasiat wajibah kepada anak hasil hubungan gelap. Putusan dan pertimbangan hukum tersebut memenuhi empat indikator asas proporsionalitas sebagai moderasi pandangan hukum diametral, yaitu: necessity, legitimate goal of law, rational achievement, dan balancing. Kata kunci: asas proporsionalitas, hak keperdataan, hak asasi manusia, munakahat Islam, anak hasil hubungan gelap. ABSTRACT The application of a diametric legal view cannot be avoided in law enforcement. For an example, the case of Court Decision Number 0156/Pdt.P/2013/PA.JS. This case is analyzed by considering the diametric legal point of view. This research problem statement is that what kind of legal principle reflected in the legal considerations of judges in order to address the civil rights of extramarital children and how the case is viewed from principles? This study uses normative legal research methods. Legal considerations in Court Decision Number 0156/Pdt.P/2013/PA.JS indicates the application of proportionality principle. Application of this principle is reflected from the legal considerations that compromise the spirit of liberalization and restriction of civil rights. The spirit of liberalization is rooted in the absolution of human rights supported by universalism view of human rights. Meanwhile, the spirit of restrictions is rooted in the sacredness of munakahat Islam, which is supported by the relativism of human rights. With this principle, the panel of judges approved several civil rights, including sacred rights in munakahat Islam. As a solution, the panel of judges only provide the right to fulfill the necessities of life and the obligatory will to the extramarital children. These judgements and legal considerations fulfill the four indicators of proportionality principle moderating the perspectives of diametric law, namely necessity, legitimate goals of law, rational achievement, and balancing. Keywords: proportionality principle, civil rights, human rights, munakahat Islam, extramarital children