%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Rizzika Ozaria, NIM. 16204030029 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2019 %F digilib:34454 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K involvement of parents, school programs, initial reading skills. %P 145 %T KETERLIBATAN ORANG TUA MELALUI PROGRAM SEKOLAH DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA PERMULAAN PADA ANAK DI TK KUSUMA 1 NOLOGATEN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/34454/ %X Parental involvement in school programs is very necessary because with that involvement parents can find out their children”s development and know what to do at home. Besides parents can always be coordinate with the teacher so that the child’s development can be monitored with both and both know what actions to take. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approachcomparative. The object of this research is the principal, teacher, children and parents. Data collection conduted by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The main instrument is researchers themselves are assisted by interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and guidelines documentation. The data obtained was analyzed using an interactive analysis using an interactive analysis model by Miles and Huberman. The validity analysis of the data is done by technical triangulation and sources. The results of the study show: 1. In school program develops the ability to read the beginning of the child in TK Kusuma which is possessing several school programs that have been prepared such as annual activities, activities routine and extracuricular schedules and TK Tulip developed several special programs as superior programs, namely: memorizing readings and prayer movements, tapping tulips love to ead as well happy tulip tapping day. 2. Parents roles and teachers through school programs 1) parent’s roles, a) as suppotes or motivators, b) as a teacher, c) as a student, d) as an advisor, e) and as a protector. 2) the role of the teacher, a) planning partnerships with parents, b) communicating with parents about the school and its development, c) communicating with parents about the achievements or progress of child development, d) provide easy-to-implement advice to help children lean at home, e) and monitor the engagement program with parents. 3. Equations and differences, namely: 1) equations have programs such as school committees, parent’s meetings and middle progress reports. Parenting, mini trip and outing, cooking class. 2) differences in TK Kusuma carry out tutoring programs read, Exercises learns to read, One child one book. Instructional media. Wheeas TK Tulip implemented a tulip program to love reading, morning jounal and daytime journals, additional homewokes (PR), book optimization liaison. 4. Impact of the involvement of orang tua, among others: a) children can recognize writing, b) children can read pictures, c) children can recognize reading, d) children can read fluently. %Z Dr. Maemonah, M.Ag.,