%A NIM.13651083 Aris Muflihul Aini %O Maria Ulfah Siregar, S.Kom. MIT., Ph.D. %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI KOPERASI SIMPAN PINJAM MENGGUNAKAN METODE EXTREME PROGRAMMING (STUDI KASUS : KOPERASI SUMBER MAKMUR YOGYAKARTA) %X Sumber Makmur Cooperative is a business entity engaged in savings and loans that serves members especially in the field of savings and loan services, where data management still uses accounting methods. Therefore, the writer here is taking a problem in the field of savings and loan itself. With this it is expected to help cooperatives to improve the services of its members and be used to store data or other important documents that must be stored properly so that the presentation of information is relatively fast and accurate. The method of developing cooperative management information systems is made using the Extreme Programming method which is the development of the agile development method by using a system development tool in the form of UML. As well as data collection techniques with research methods by means of interviews, observation and literature study. Program implementation uses the PHP programming language with the CodeIgniter Framework, while the database uses MySQL. System development is done through IV cycles, where this cycle occurs due to revisions or improvements to the system. after the system is not corrected, the next step is testing the system. Testing is done using the black box method, the conclusions from the results of this test that the system is feasible to implement. %K Design, Information System, Cooperative, Extreme Programming, UML, PHP, MySQL, CodeIgniter %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib34527