%A NIM. 08.31.668/S3 Hamidi Ilhami %O Prof. Dr. H. Sutrisno, M.Ag., %T STUDI KISAH PARA NABI DALAM AL-QUR’AN (Sebuah Upaya Menemukan Konsep Pendidikan Kenabian) %X This research entitled “A Study on the Stories of Prophets in the Holy Quran (An Effort to Uncover Prophetic-Teaching Concept)” is inspired by the fact that, among other things, the Holy Quran tells about stories in which the science of Al-Quran calls them the stories of Al-Quran (Qasas al-Quran / al-Qissah al-Quraniyah). It provokes long-lasting discussions whether they are histories or simply literature works. Despite these disagreements, Al-Quran experts seem to share the same ideas that the stories are full of lessons (ibrah) primarily the stories of prophets (one of prominent stories in the Al-Quran) called the prophetic lessons. Thus, a research on the stories should be conducted to answer 2 questions, i.e. how were the stories in the Quran structured and how were the concepts of prophetic lessons being constructed. To reach the above goals, a multi-disciplinary approach, including interpretationscience to collect and arrange prophetcontent verses, literature science to reveal the structure and meaning of the stories, and education science to direct the meaning of them towards the concept of prophetic education, was employed. In this study, the researcher used mawdhu’i interpretation science, structuralism literature (both objective structuralism and intrinsic analisis) alsohermeneutic (majaz khitab). By implementing objective structuralism or intrinsic analisis, it can be said that the structure of the stories of 24 prophets in the Quran (excluding prophet Muhammad due to its very different condition methodically) was a historical fiction, in which a history is presented in a literature work or a construction of literature work from pieces of a history. This is noticable that some are informative like a history, and some are narative like a novel. Assisted by education science, a concept of prophetic education was built from the result of the 24-prophet storie reading under hermeneutic method (majaz khitabi). The education covered 10 elements; (1) the essence of education is being aware that life is full of fight against evil to achive rightness and reach the real man kind. (2) The foundations of education are revelation of God and logic as the source of truth. (3) The goal of education is to achieve man kind who always cares and secures others. (4) Educators are the prophets’ heirs receiving responsibilities from God to save lives. (5) The students are the individuals in asociety. (6) The materials of the education cover 4 aspects of knowledge transformed both equally and integratively. The 4 aspects of knowledge are a. the Diety, b. humanity, c. nature, and d. mysticism. (7) The fundamental method of education is a good prayer. (8) The prominent teaching media are reward (confirming rightness) and punishment (confirming evil). (9) The most significant environment of education is society. (10) The most important evaluation is contemplation. Thus, the substance of prophetic education concept is the spirituality of education, meaning that education is a transformation of human’s soul to submit itself to the One Almighty God towards the true human being. %K Prophets in the Holy Quran %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib34771