<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ"^^ . "The great slander (al-fitnah al-kubrā) was a political chaos C „U „ history of Islam, the tragedy was a real dark tearful incident that induced a polarization of muslims into clusters which in turn led to a long-lasting civil war. Many historians including Thaha Husein, a liberal and controversial historian from Egypt, have tried to reveal the story behind the incident. Thaha Husein was an intelectual, writer, and historian. To some historians, his thought is considered critical because his interpretation of the great slander is new and different from that of earlier experts even from the ones after his era. Three main questions discussed in this study are as follow: first, how Thaha Husein looked at the tragedy in the history of the great slander?; second, what method did he use in studying it?; and third, why was he so critical when narrating the incident?\r\nThis study is a literature research that lies upon written sources T H ‟ T applies historical method and two approaches namely biografi and hermeneutics. Two sources are used, i.e. primary and secondary sources. The former relies on literatures directly connected to Thaha H T T H ‟ books, al-Fitnah al-Kubra 1; ‘Usman and his biografi al-Ayyam Thaha Husein, were used as main sources in the study while a supporting book written by Thaha Husein, al-Fitnah al-Kubra 2; ‘Ali wa Banuhu, was used when needed in the discussion. The later is a supporting source used to sharpen the understanding on Thaha H ‟\r\nAlthough Husein agreed that the great slander was an agonizing political incident in the history of Islam, he insisted on treating it in a pure history perspective and putting it away from any interest, including faith and religion. This is important in revealing the tragedy objectively and unbiasedly. Therefore, Thaha Husein criticized historians, espscially muslim ones, who always positioned „U „ v any mistakes during the incident. It was not the improper policies issued by Usman bin Affan that sparked the great slander, but Ibn\r\nxvi\r\nS ‟ S ‟ „U „ n.\r\nAccording to Thaha Husein the great slander occurred due to the accumulation of unfinished problems and the abandonment of the C „U „ ‟ ( e relatives) influence. These individuals were sometimes arogan and did not reflect their functions as assistants who had to keep the ‟ inevitable and yet the system of the government did not run accordingly. These factors made Thaha Husein denied the opinion that there was only one single factor behind the occurance. He also said it was irrational. To uncover the tragedy, Thaha Husein employed two approaches, scepticism and determinism of history, with which he brought a new interpretation that was different from that of any historian when viewing history particularly the great slander. Thaha Husein was very critical. Not only did he want to present the history of the great slander rationally and objectively, Thaha Husein also involved history pragmatism with which he tried to answer problems faced by Egypt at that time. It can be seen, therefore, that Thaha Husein wanted history to act as a story teller as well as a problem solver that helps us solve problems at present.\r\nEx T H ‟ v v C „U „ ; „U „ . Second, accumulation of unfinished, abandoned problems, especially those concerning unfair policies, led to chaos. Third, the social and political condition changed very fast and the government did not run well. Four, Thaha Husein denied the idea of one single actor in"^^ . "2018-09-27" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PASCASARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 06.31.523/S3"^^ . "Syamsul Arifin"^^ . "NIM. 06.31.523/S3 Syamsul Arifin"^^ . . . . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ (Text)"^^ . . . . . "0631523_BAB I, VI, DAN DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ (Text)"^^ . . . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "KRITISISME SEJARAH\r\nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #34786 \n\nKRITISISME SEJARAH \nDALAM PEMIKIRAN THAHA HUSEIN TENTANG AL-FITNAH AL-KUBRĀ\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Aliran Dalam Islam" . .