@phdthesis{digilib34813, month = {January}, title = {INTEGRASI NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM TRADISI PELA-GANDONG}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 1230016034 Rabahuddin}, year = {2019}, note = {Prof. Dr. H. Maragustam, MA.}, keywords = {integration, Islamic moral values, Pela-Gandong}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/34813/}, abstract = {A social conflict phenomenon penetrating young generation in Maluku from 1999 to 2004 is becoming an internal challenge against groups bound in Pela tradition. However, the dynamics of conflict, in general, does not affect the relationship among members of Pela-Gandong. In fact, never were members of Pela identified attacking others nor involved in any conflict; they stood neutral instead as shown in a good relationship between Batu Merah village (Islam) and Passo Territory (christian), Seith (Islam) and Ouw (Christian), Tulehu (Islam) and Paperu (Christian). The study focused on muslim communities in Batu Merah, Seith, and Tulehu villages. The questions to answer are (1) the historical background of the emerge of Pela-Gandong tradition in those regions, (2) the forms of acts conducted by muslims in the areas in Pela-Gandong tradition (3) the islamic moral values involved in the Pela-Gandong tradition, (4) the integration patterns of islamic values in the Pela-Gandong tradition. This descriptive qualitative field study utilized phenomenology and anthropology approaches with the chief, Saniri Negeri, leaders of culture, religious, social and youth were the informen. The collected data through observing, interviewing, and documenting were analysed using Miles and Huberman model. The results are as follows. (1) Historically, the relationship between Batu Merah and Passo villages began during Sultan Ternate era. When the kora-kora owned by the Passo was accidentally about to sink, the people from Hutakau (Batu Merah) came to help. To thank for the help, they agreed to pledge to have good relationship. On the other hand, Seith and Ouw inhabitants believe that they are from the same ancestor that were separated. Whereas Tulehu and Paperu people are linked genealogically and once inhabited the same territory. (2) Muslim communities conduct a great togetherness (silaturahim besar) during religious ceremonies, construct praying houses together, share chief coronations, hot Pela-Gandong, arumbae manggurebe, found student organization, and learn languages. (3) Islamic moral values existing in the Pela-Gandong tradition are values of spiritual, brotherhood, silaturahim, tolerance, solidarity and mutual help, as well as democrazy and dialogue. (4) The study also reveals that by using comprehensive strategy, moral values} }