%A NIM. 15730116 UNTARI WAHYUNINGSIH %O Dra. Marfuah Sri Sanityastuti, M.Si %T KAMPANYE PROGRAM KAMPUNG RAMAH ANAK DALAM MEWUJUDKAN KOTA LAYAK ANAK DI YOGYAKARTA %X To raise children to be a good generation for Indonesia, children must get a good environment to grow up. Beside education for their intelligence/cognitive abilities, a good environment will mentally support the individuals. In makingYogyakarta as a child-friendly city, Yogyakarta city government, through the DPPA (Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection), created a Child Friendly Village program. The heads of the community/public figures registered their villages as child-friendly villages, as an awareness to protect the children’s rights in their environment. One of the pilot projects for the Child Friendly Village is Badran village, which historically had negative stigma of goons. The Opinion leaders of Badran village had influence in the implementation of the child-friendly village programs. This research aims to observe/analyze the campaign done by the opinion leaders of Badran RW 11 to persuade the residents to join the child-friendly village program. The approach used for the research is qualitative descriptive method; using interviews, observation and documentation as the data collection. The informants were the heads of the community of Badran RW 11 who understood well about the program. The informants were selected using snowball sampling. This research uses concepts of campaign, which are planning, implementing, and evaluating campaigns and theory of stages of change. The result indicates that the campaign conducted by the heads of the community/figures of Badran RW 11 has passed the planning, implementing and evaluating stages. However, the campaign programs were less innovative and the programs were not well evaluated. %K Campaign, Child Friendly Village, Badran Vi %D 2018 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib34856