@phdthesis{digilib35039, month = {November}, title = {IDENTIFIKASI KERENTANAN TANAH LONGSOR DESA SALAMKANCI KECAMATAN BANDONGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE HVSR}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 14620011 SANDY RAMADHANI}, year = {2018}, note = {Dr. Thaqibul Fikri Niyartama, M.Si}, keywords = {Salamkanci, HVSR, Microseismic}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/35039/}, abstract = {It has been done the research of identification of landslide vulnerability in Salamkanci, Bandongan using HVSR method. Salamkanci village is located in a steep hill area. During the rainy season, it is very easy for landslides to occur. The measurements are made in 30 points with a space of 300 meters. The used tool is a TDL-303SS type Seismograph. The used softwares are Geopsy, Arcgis 10.3, Surfer 10, and Global Mapper13. Microseismic data are processed using Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ration (HVSR) method and the obtained results are dominant frequencies of 1,16 to 14,66 Hz and amplification values of 2,46 to 26,01 in the area. Both parameters are used to calculate other quantitative parameters, such as seismic vulnerability index value of 2,56 to 42,46 s, weathered layer thickness of 0.40 to 44,78 m, and shear strain of 3,19 x 10-1 to 7,64 x 10-3. The results of shear strain values represent surface deformations, such as cracks, subsidences, and landslides. The high shear strain values indicate that the area is prone to landslides, soil compaction, and liquefaction, scattered in almost all the research area and located at the volcanic deposits of Mount Sumbing Old and Mount Sumbing Young.} }