%A NIM. 12150027 ANIK HANDAYANI %O Ening Herniti, M.Hum %T PRESUPPOSITIONS AND ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN WE BOUGHT A ZOO MOVIE %X Some people find difficulty to know about the background of utterance’s meaning. To deliver the true information well, the researcher believes that people should know the intended meaning. This research aims to analyze the types of presupposition and illocutionary act in We Bought a Zoo movie. This research uses a qualitative method. The source of data is the script of We Bought a Zoo movie. To collect the data, the researcher uses documentation technique. Furthermore, to analyze the data, the researcher applies the theory of presupposition by Yule and illocutionary act by Searle. The researcher finds 338 data. From 338 data, the researcher finds 6 types of presupposition and 4 types of illocutionary act. The existential presuppositions (142 utterances) show 115 representatives, 4 expressives, and 23 directives. The factive presuppositions (33 utterances) show 19 representatives, 11 expressives and 3 directives. The non factive presupposition (4 utterances) show 3 representatives and 1 directive. The lexical presuppositions (58 utterances) show 29 representatives, 4 expressives, 23 directives and 2 commissives. The structural presuppositions (91 utterances) show (35 representatives, 2 expressives and 54 directives. The counterfactual presuppositions show 10 representatives. Keywords: Presupposition, Illocutionary act, Movie. %K Presuposisi, Tindak Tutur Ilokusi, Film, Presupposition, Illocutionary act, Movie. %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib35049