@phdthesis{digilib35050, month = {March}, title = {RAP GOD: RUSSIAN FORMALISM ANALYSIS}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM, 14150029 Ahmad Ridwan Malik}, year = {2019}, note = {Ulyati Retno Sari, S.S., M.Hum}, keywords = {Rap, Bentuk, Formalisme, Formalisme Rusia, Roman Jakobson, Rap, Form, Formalism, Russian Formalism, Roman Jakobson}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/35050/}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Song is a poem in other form. Generally, as a poem, song lyric is written by considering of choosing words. Words which have been chosen are then arranged to produce an aesthetic effect, especially the beauty of form. Rap God is a song written by one of the best rappers in the world, Eminem. Rap song is identic with black people. In the other hand?uniquely?Eminem is a white rapper called as a king of hip-hop in recent century. Mostly, a rap song is written with various styles of language and packed in a beautiful form. However, in recent century not too many poems have a good form. It causes, a poems is reflections of its society. In this case, the writer will analyze whether Rap God song has literary devices or not. The writer uses Russian Formalism theory by Roman Jakobson to answer the problem statement. In this research, the writer also uses qualitativedescriptive as the research method. This research aims to find out whether Rap God song has literary devices or not, and what kind of literary devices is used in this song. For the result, the writer finds four kinds of literary devices; metaphor, simile, ?chiming, and rhyme. The writer finds 46 metaphors, 9 similes, 6 ?chimings and 86 rhymes. Keywords: Rap, Form, Formalism, Russian Formalism, Roman Jakobson.} }