%A NIM, 15150047 Dimas Setiawan %O Ulyati Retno Sari, S.S., M.Hum. %T WESTERN SUPERIORITY AGAINTS EAST AS SEEN IN THE KINGDOM MOVIE (2007) %X ABSTRACT As the Western movie industry, Hollywood has a large effect in creating identity. In 2007, a war, action, thriller movie entitled The Kingdom was produced. The movie is about cooperation between Saudi and America for combating terrorist together. Although the movie is about cooperation, the West depict themselves as equal, modern, strong, and powerful country. Meanwhile, the West also depict the East in such ways like, inequal, insubordinate, weak, ruthless, radical, devout, horrible place, the West consider the East as terror feeder. The West depicts the East in such ways to show their superiority. It is the reason which makes the researcher interested to research further how the West superiority is shown in this movie. The researcher uses Orientalism theory by Edward Said to find out the Orientalism patterns through the movie. This research focuses on the Orientalism pattern such as sociological aspects, political aspects, military aspects, and ideological aspects. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative method for deeper analysis. The conclusion of the research is Western superiority in some aspects that are shown in this movie. Meanwhile, the West manages and even produces the Orient sociologically, militarily, politically, and ideologically to show that the West is more superior to the East. Keywords: West, East, Superiority, Orientalism, Movie, The Kingdom (2007) %K West, East, Superiority, Orientalism, Movie, The Kingdom (2007), Barat, Timur, Superioritas, Orientalisme, Film, The Kingdom (2007) %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib35077