%A NIM.:13140023 Yulia Nur Rahmawati %O Afiati Handayu Dyah Fitriyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. %T PERANAN MUATAN LOKAL PENGEMBANGAN PENALARAN DAN MINAT BACA (PPMB) DALAM MENUMBUHKAN MINAT MENULIS SISWA PADA MAYOGA BOOK’S LOVER (MBL) DI MAN III SLEMAN %X This study aims to find out how the role of local content subjects in Reasoning and Reading Interest Development (PPMB) in fostering interest in writing Mayoga Book's Lover (MBL) students in Sleman III MAN. This research was conducted in Sleman MAN III. This research method is qualitative and the type of research is descriptive. The research subjects of MBL member students and the object of research were the role of PPMB local content subjects in fostering students' interest in writing. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman models which include data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. While the validity test of the data used is the credibility test which includes the extension of observation, triangulation, and member check. The results of this study are that PPMB has a role in improving skills in the field of writing students through four phases of interest in writing according to Rebecca L. Lipstein. The average MBL student enters Phase Two, where students consider writing to be like other school activities, which is an activity that must be completed, even though students do the writing assignments, but their understanding is limited to writing and do not care about developing their voice in writing assignments they finish for school. Students like discussion with friends but tend to be few, asking for guidance from their teacher. Suggestions: (1) To maintain PPMB and MBL subjects as a means of increasing students' interest in writing. (2) We recommend that the implementation of class XI Mulok PPMB learning activities be adjusted to the existing syllabus to make students more interested. %K Local Content, PPMB, Writing Interest, MBL %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib35092