%A NIM.: 15140048 Anggoro Nuri Ismiani %O Nurdin Laugu S.Ag.,S.S.,M.A %T REPRESENTASI PERANAN PERPUSTAKAAN DALAM FILM THE PAGEMASTER (ANALISIS SEMIOTIK ROLAND BARTHES) %X called The Pagemaster using Roland Barthes’s semiotic analysis. The research’s type used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection method used is documentation and literature research. Data analysis used in this research is Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis with two stages of approach in the form of denotation and connotation meaning seen based on verbal and visual signs. The results of this study are that the libraries in The Pagemaster movie have several roles which is as a medium for storing human’s works, as a medium for communicating with fellow readers and librarians, to provide guidance or user guidance from the officers, as an information sources, as a recreational functions, as a medium for developing reading interest and reading habits, agent of change and as a medium to change the mindset using bibliotherapy. %K Representation, Role of Library, Film, Semiotic Roland Barthes %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib35177