@article{digilib35584, volume = {4}, number = {1}, month = {June}, author = {Masnun Tahir}, title = {Fikih NKRI Landasan Berkonstitusi Bagi Umat di Indonesia}, publisher = {Fakultas Syari?ah dan Hukum}, year = {2015}, journal = {Supremasi Hukum : Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum}, pages = {62--92}, keywords = {Kata Kunci: Fikih NKRI, Konstitusi}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/35584/}, abstract = {Abstract Muslim constitute the overwhelming majority of Indonesia?s population. The Islamic law in Indonesia has evolved from time to time in line with the demands of the changing history. Recently, and during the era of reformasi ?it is commonly known sothe Islamic law has been progressively positivised. By this we mean the dynamics within which the Islamic law has the ability to respond to the new situation that requires the re-thinking of someof its dictums. The role of the government has equally been good; it is completely supportive of this process. This shift in direction taken by Islamic law is due to the fact that the colonial law in the country has become rotten. It is no longer able to deal with the ever-changing situations of this Muslim-majority country. This paper discusses this historic turn, and embarks on the debate concerning the advantages of the Islamic law for a Muslim country like Indonesia. Several Islamic countries have attempted to write constitutions which are based on the principles of the fikih (syari?ah) and, at the same time, they have borrowed procedural forms from Western constitutionalism. However, combining two different systems in a constitution is not an easy task. It is possible that there are some compromising and even conflicting views and values. This leads to the first question addressed in the thesis: Is fikih compatible with the principles and procedural form of constitutionalism? Abstrak Bangsa Indonesia (yang dulu bernama Nusantara) yang terbingkai dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) merupakan bangsa majemuk dan multikultural. Bangsa majemuk dan multikultural. Bangsa yang terdiri dari lebih 300 suku, adat istiadat (tradisi0, bahasa, agama maupun keyakinan. Lebih kompleks dan lebih rumit dibanding semenanjung Arabia, bahkan Eropa Kontinental dan Amerika Serikatpun. Bangsa yang terdiri dari keanekaragaman suku, etnis, budaya dan agama memiliki tantangan yang sangat berat untuk menciptakan persatuan dan kesatuan. Tetapi dengan titik temu , yaitu satu bangsa, satu bahasa, satu negara, satu ideologi, dan satu pemerintahan, maka persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa dapat diwujudkan. Sejatinya saat ini (pasca Indonesia merdeka dan berbentuk sebuah negara berdaulat) seharusnya kita memahami fikih dalam konteks negara kesatuan RI (NKRI). Tidak memahami konteks fikih abad pertengahan yang selama ini menjadi rujukan, dimana saat kitab kuning tersebut ditulis belum ada yang namanya Negara Kesatuan RI (NKRI). Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana konstruksi dan substansi fikih yang bisa dijadikan rujukan dalam membuat hukum nasional yang tetap memayungi NKRI ini? Tulisan ini menawarkan sebuah paradigma baru dalam berfikih dan berkonstusi di Indonesia yang berbasis pada nilai filosopis yang ada dalam hukum Islam. Kata Kunci: Fikih NKRI, Konstitusi} }