%A . Muzairi %T DOKTRIN LOGOS DALAM FILSAFAT MISTIK IBN ARABI %X There are no less than twenty-two term which lbnul'Arabi uses to designate whatone might call a Mohammedan Logos. References to these terms, with explanations. will be given later. The reason why we find ibnul'Arabi using such a bewilderingly large collection of terms for one thing is twofold. In the first place, it is due to the fact he derived his material from so many divergent sources, preserving, so far as possible. the terminology of each source. Here. e.g., he is using terms borrowed from sulis, scholastic theologoans, Neoplatonists, the Qur"an aud so on Secondly. his pantheism enables him to use the name of anything for the One Reality which is the ultimate ground of all things. The terms to below refer to different aspects of the One Reality which is now regarded as the Logos. %K DOKTRIN LOGOS, FILSAFAT MISTIK IBN ARABI %D 2015 %C Yogyakarta %I Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Pemikiran Islam %L digilib35624