%0 Report %9 Discussion Paper %A Muzairi, . %C Yogyakarta %D 2015 %F digilib:35631 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %K Suluk Jawa, Javanese Al Hallaj, Science of Reality %T EKSEKUSI MATI JAVANESE AL HALLAJ YANG TERCERMIN DALAM SULUK JAWA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/35631/ %X lt is vert striking how Javanese AI Hallaj in the text of Suluk Jawa here published, is described as a mystic who propagated the "Science of Reality" to the uninitiated public imitating the conduct of Shaikh Siti Jenar, Sunan Panggung, Ki Bebeluk and Shaikh Amongraga. It is my intention here to discus this common motif of conflict between traditional Javanese mysticism and orthodox, legalistic Islam, as reflected in these traditions, in order to gain some insight into the motif and significance of the Suluk Jawa. Keyword: Suluk Jawa, Javanese Al Hallaj, Science of Reality