%A NIM. 14680014 Tsalitsa Kamalina %O 1. Dias Idha Pramesti, S.Si., M.Si. 2. Dian Noviar S.Pd., M.Pd.Si. %T PENGEMBANGAN GAME EDUKATIF BERBASIS ISLAM SAINS PADA MATERI POKOK VIRUS UNTUK SISWA KELAS X SMA/MA %X The aims of this study is to develop educational game applications as learning media for students of class X SMA / MA, knowing their quality, and knowing student responses to these products. This research included Research and Development (R & D) with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The product is assessed by 1 material expert, 1 media expert, 5 peer reviewers, and 2 biology teachers. This product was also responded by 15 students of MAN 1 Yogyakarta using a questionnaire. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and data collection instruments through questionnaire sheets. The data analysis technique is descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative. Qualitative data from questionnaires are converted into quantitative data. Products have been produced in the form of educational biological games on the subject matter of viruses. Product quality according to the assessors was included in the excellent category with the ideal percentage of material experts, media experts, peer reviewers, and teachers respectively 85.80%; 91.70%; 92.45%; and 93.11%. Based on the response from the students the product is very good with the ideal percentage of 91.29%. The product that was developed can be used as biology learning media in the subject matter of viruses. %K media pembelajaran biologi, game edukatif, virus %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib35797