%0 Journal Article %A Arya Wirabhuana, %D 2009 %F digilib:363 %I Fakultas Sain dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yog %J /Jurnal/Kaunia/Volume I, No. 1, April 2005/ %K alokasi sumber daya peralatan, sistem manufaktur, model simulasi sistem diskrit berbasis komputer %T PENENTUAN SKENARIO ALOKASI SUMBERDAYA PERALATAN SEBAGAI USAHA PENINGKATAN KINERJA SISTEM MANUFAKTUR BERDASARKAN MODEL SIMULASI SISTEM DISKRIT BERBASIS KOMPUTER %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/363/ %X bFacing the tight business competition era, the manufacturing companies have to develop their industrial system preformances to the high productivity level. This article tries to explain three manufacturing system indicators; amount of standard output in a period af time, product cyclic time, and the amount of work in process (unfinished) product. Those indicators will be viewed as a result of tools and production machine resources allocation in each work station. The Discrete System Simulation is used to represent the real system that is examined. This method can give us a detailed information about the characteristic of each variables system to make experiments to improve the system performances without bothering and interrupting the real system itself. This situation will exactly reduce the unpredictable trial and error risk when implementing the development strategy in the real system. In summary, the writer explaines the brief simulation proscess and result for each scenario of production machine allocation. After all, the paper determines the conclusion of each scenarioe.