%A - SABARUDIN %J Jurnal Penelitian Agama %T JAMAAH AT-TURATS AL-ISLAMI DI DUSUN SAWO WIROKERTEN BANGUNTAPAN BANTUL YOGYAKARTA %X In a very long period from the influence of Islamic movements in Indonesia, it is ve1y likely to make the teachings 'understanding and prac- ticingfairly different, either in addition or in the reduction,from the original ones brought by the effort of putting back the understanding and practicing of Islamic theachings considered deviate from the available 'traditions ' in which the religion emerges. At-Turats Al-Islami emerging in Yogyakarta, after the prior purifying movements have done the same thing, endeavor to apply 'purification ยท. Even though it is of similar movements topurify community's attitude and behavior, however, there is some significantly different nuance not taken into account by theprior movements that is repositioning the understand- ing and practicing of the religion as what the Prophet and 'salafal-shalih' followers conduct. This typical characterictics denote that at-Turats al- Islami movers are deemed as revivalists. %N 24 %K JAMAAH AT-TURATS AL-ISLAMI, DUSUN SAWO WIROKERTEN BANGUNTAPAN BANTUL YOGYAKARTA %P 86-103 %V IX %D 2000 %I LEMBAGA PENELITIAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib36463