%A - SABARUDIN %A Mahmud Arif %J Forum Tarbiyah Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Pekalongan %T MULTIKULTURALISME KYAI PESANTREN (Studi Pandangan Kyai tentang Persoalan Multikultural dan Aktualisasinya dalam Pendidikan Pesantren Islamic Center Bin Baz di Yogyakarta) %X Some scientists opine that kyai has an important role in directing the social and cultural dynamics of a society especially the traditional religious community. All along, the important role of kyai in a society cannot be sparated from his leadership in a religious and social organization and also in an educational and religious institution such as Islamic Boarding School. Based on the statemen above, it necessary to make a study which engages kyai of an Islamic Boarding School in the context of an issue about actual multiculturalism. Islamic Center Bin Baz (ICBB) Yogyakarta was chosen as research setting of this study because it is a Salafi Islamic Boarding Schhol that can show great dynamics of educational development. The activities not only related to religious avtivities, but also related to general concern such as establishing STIKES Madani. In addition, the existence of Islamic Center Bin Baz does not bring out any social conflict in the society. Kata Kunci: salafi, multikulturalisme, kiai, dan pondok pesantren %N 2 %K salafi, multikulturalisme, kiai, dan pondok pesantren %P 273-294 %V 13 %D 2015 %I Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Pekalongan %L digilib36467