@incollection{digilib36634, volume = {-}, number = {-}, month = {July}, author = {Farhah Gusti Khoirunnisa and Agasari Puspita and Regina Agni Dianingtyas and Nafissa Miftah Al Janah}, series = {Prosiding}, booktitle = {PROCEEDING SEMINAR HASIL PENELITIAN EKSPERIMEN 2019 ?Cluster Tema : Emotion, Perception, Attention and Mood}, title = {PENGARUH PEMBERIAN MEDIA VISUAL DAN AUDIO TERHADAP MOOD (AFEK POSITIF DAN NEGATIF) PADA RENTANG USIA 19-23 (Replikasi Jurnal Effects of the Visual and Auditory Components of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Mood State and on Visual and Auditory Attention and Memory Task Performance, by E. Campillo, J. J. Ricarte, L. Ros, M. Nieto, \& J. M. Latorre)}, address = {Yogyakarta}, publisher = {Laboratorium Psikologi Program Studi Psikologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta}, year = {2019}, pages = {1--6}, keywords = {Audio, Mood, Visual, Afek positif, Afek negatif}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/36634/}, abstract = {The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of visual components on mood conditions, the effect of given audio components on mood conditions, as well as the different visual and audio treatment effect on mood condition. The participants in this experimental study were 30 people consisting of 15 female student and 15 male student. Participants are students aged 19-23 years and were recruited through accidental sampling technique. The design of this experimental study was randomized assignment by randomizing participants. This research used laboratory experimental type (laboratory experiment), a 2x2 factorial design, between subject design. Participants mood were measured using the pretest-posttest. Methods of analyzing data in this study used ANOVA. The result of this study showed p {\ensuremath{>}} 0.05 thus it can be concluded relate to the three hypotheses: there was no effect of giving treatment (visual and audio) on mood, there was no effect of gender significance on mood, and there was no significant different effects of media (audio and visual) treatment and gender on mood. Keyword : Audio, Mood, Visual, positive affection, negative affection ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui: pengaruh pemberian komponen visual terhadap kondisi mood, pengaruh pemberian komponen audio terhadap kondisi mood, serta perbedaan pengaruh visual dan audio treatment terhadap kondisi mood. Partisipan dalam penelitian eksperimen ini sebanyak 30 orang terdiri dari 15 perempuan dan 15 lakilaki. Partisipan merupakan mahasiswa yang berusia 19-23 tahun. Pengambilan partisipan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Desain penelitian eksperimen ini merupakan randomized dengan mengacak partisipan. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam tipe eksperimen laboratorium (laboratory experiment) dengan menggunakan desain faktorial 2x2, between subject design. Two experimental group design, pretest-posttest mengukur Mood. Metode analisis data menggunakan ANOVA melalui SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini p{\ensuremath{>}}0,05 pada ketiga hipotesis: tidak ada pengaruh pemberian treatment (visual dan audio) terhadap mood, tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan jenis kelamin terdapat mood, serta tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pengaruh treatment pemberian media (audio dan visual) dan jenis kelamin. Kata Kunci: Audio, Mood, Visual, Afek positif, Afek negatif} }