%A NIM. 15300116006 Hartono %O Prof. Dr. H. Syihabuddin Qalyubi, Lc,,M.Ag. %T STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN PERPUSTAKAAN DIGITAL DALAM MEMBANGUN AKSESIBILITASINFORMASI BERBASIS NILAI ISLAM MULTIKULTURAL : Studi Kasus pada Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Malang Jawa Timur %X In the history of human civilization, libraries as an organization are a growing organism that is able to adapt to the times. Their transformation in the information age has shifted the role of digital libraries in building information accessibility. A number of factors related to information accessibility in the development of the university digital library in Malang are built in organizational, mechanization, automation and communication, and legality aspects. However, in the field the success of developing digital libraries is not determined by modern management and the sophistication of information technology, but the integration of multicultural values of developing digital libraries. This qualitative-descriptive study used the paradigm of the study of digital library development in building multicultural Islamic value-based information accessibility. The method of collecting data was through interviews, observation and documentation. For in-depth interviews, the selection of objects employed a purposive sampling technique with twelve informants consisting of the head of the library, head of division, digital collection manager, librarians managing digital services, and students. The data were analyzed using the analysis process proposed by Miles and Huberman which includes 3 (three) stages, i.e., data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results revealed that the digital library development strategy were into 3 (three) patterns of approach. First, the management approach was based on the formulation of the design concepts and the design and policies/regulations of access. Second, the development of information technology prioritized information technology and digital literacy and strengthened resource sharing. Third, integration of multicultural Islamic values that underlay information democracy through open access, modernity of information technology based on humanism, legal awareness and justice in information legality, resource sharing and development of tolerance in building awareness on mutual respect in digital library services. The contribution of multicultural Islamic values was as an underlying foundation in the development of digital libraries in the digital era. The value of diversity as an accumulation of attitudes and behaviors such as democracy, humanism, justice, togetherness and tolerance comes from the local social cultural values of the development of digital library libraries in the information age. The new paradigm can be internalized in institutions, integrated in the curriculum and disseminated for lecturers and students. %K Islam, Digital Library, Information Accessibility, Multikultural %D 2019 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib36860