@phdthesis{digilib36898, month = {August}, title = {PENGARUH KOMPETENSI, KOMITMEN, KOMPENSASI DAN PENGEMBANGAN KARIER TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (STUDI KASUS DI BANK MUAMALAT KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA)}, school = {FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS}, author = {NIM: 15820104 MUHAMAD ALIYUL ADHIM}, year = {2019}, note = {Drs. AKHMAD YUSUF KHOIRUDDIN, S.E., M.Si.}, keywords = {Competence, Commitment, Compensation, Career Development, Employee Performance}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/36898/}, abstract = {This research is a study that aims to analyze Competence, Commitment, Compensation, and career development on employee performance at Bank Muamalat Yogyakarta. The population is all employees at the Bank Muamalat Yogyakarta. The sample used in this study is 60 correspondents. Method of collecting data uses the questionnaire method. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. All data is processed and analyzed using SPSS version 25. The results of the research that are processed with the SPSS version 25 program showed that the Adjusted R Square value is 0,617 or around 61,7\%. it means that 61,7\% variation the performance can be explained by variations in the four independent variables of Competence, Commitment, Compensation, and career development. The results (f test) show that Competence, Commitment, Compensation, and career development simultaneously have a positive effect on employee performance at Bank Muamalat Yogyakarta. The results of this research (t test) are stated that Competence and Commitment have a not effect on employee performance at Bank Muamalat Yogyakarta. Compensation and Career development has a positive effect on employee performance at Bank Muamalat Yogyakarta.} }