%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Siti Bidayasari, NIM. 17200010001 %B PASCASARJANA UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %D 2019 %F digilib:36999 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Knowledge Reproduction, Community Reading Gardens, Social Capital, Community Social Change. %P 205 %T ANALISIS REPRODUKSI PENGETAHUAN PADA TBM WIJAYA KUSUMA TERHADAP PERUBAHAN SOSIAL MASYARAKAT DUSUN KARANGANYAR, DESA WEDOMARTANI, NGEMPLAK, KABUPATEN SLEMAN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/36999/ %X This thesis studies the analysis of knowledge reproduction in TBM Wijaya Kusuma in relation to social change in society through services and community empowerment programs, which are carried out by TBM by analyzing more deeply TBM policies through the lens of sociocultural theory of capital from Piere Bourdieu. the purpose of this study was to analyze the role of TBM in social changes in society. The type of research used is qualitative research, data collected through literature studies, observations, and interviews. the selection of informants through a purposive sampling method that is considered most knowledgeable about the problem under study. There are 6 informants in this study, TBM managers are key informants. Data analysis through the process of data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The data validity test is done by triangulation of sources, techniques and time. The results showed that 1. The role of TBM on social change in society is inseparable from the role of actors namely TBM managers, the role of TBM Wijaya Kusuma is able to have an impact on social change in the Karanganyar hamlet community in various aspects: Social and cultural aspects, scientific aspects, and economic aspects . 2. The existence of TBM Wijaya Kusuma in the midst of the Karanganyar hamlet community has a role as: Social structure in the formation of social capital, social capital and the internet, and productive economic development. 3. TBM Wijaya Kusuma's activities help provide social change to the Karanganyar hamlet community through five activities namely, increasing access to information, inclusivism, public consultation, accountability, innovation and creativity. Thanks to the role played by TBM which is able to build social capital as a goal of reproduction of knowledge through habitus as a generative basis for practice which implies that social agents practice and socialize with their social structures through habitus. That is, habitus is in the subjective structure it is obtained from the learning outcomes or internalization of the objective structure. %Z Dr. Syifaun Nafisah, S.T., MT