@mastersthesis{digilib37013, month = {August}, title = {MANAJEMEN PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS RISET GUNA PENINGKATAN MUTU LULUSAN DI PUSAT KEGIATAN BELAJAR MASYARAKAT SANGGAR ANAK ALAM KASIHAN BANTUL}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 1620410071 AGUS MIFTAHILLAH}, year = {2019}, note = {Zulkipli Lessy, M.Ag., M.S.W., Ph.D}, keywords = {Learning Management, Community Learning Centre, Research}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/37013/}, abstract = {Non formal education still had less attention from the government. Nevertheless to improve educational side of nation, they needs to make synergy between formal and non formal education. Although it received less attention from the government, it did not make some non-formal institutions such as PKBM Sanggar Anak Alam decrease in terms of learning. It is proven by many appreciation and achievement such as KR Award on educational in 2011. That make non formal institution can?t be underestimated. The purpose of this reseach are: (1) to understand concretely procces of uducational management of community learning centre Sanggar Anak Alam; (2) to find some problems with organizing educational management in community learning centre Sanggar Anak Alam. This research uses qualitative methods to study CLC Sanggar Anak Alam case in Bantul. To collect data, we use participatory research, documentation, and deep interview. Credibility of data are tested by triangulation of data resource, which researchers compare from various available data sources to find valid data. Analysis data is done by analyze before and after field test, like data reduction, data display, and verification. The result ofthis research shows : First, CLC SALAM, they use a transformation of research ehich each student did by self. They include planning, organizing, implementation, and controling in learning procces. Second, we found some problems in educational practice such as the movement of educational methods from socialiszation like formal school to transformation (research), lack of parent guidance, excessive use the internet to find literature make student ignore books as main reference.} }