%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Madurasmi Maalisid, NIM. 1620010017 %B PASCASARJANA UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %D 2019 %F digilib:37031 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K curriculum modification, students with special needs, learning %P 161 %T MODIFIKASI KURIKULUM DALAM SETTING INKLUSIF DI SMP LAZUARDI KAMILA GLOBAL ISLAMIC SCHOOL (GIS) SURAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/37031/ %X Educational Practices for students with special needs in educational institutions are still groping to get the ideal and targeted inclusive education curriculum, so that educational institutions often make modifications that are appropriate as they considered. The aims of this study are to answer the question of how to practice curriculum modification for students with special needs in inclusive setting at SMP Lazuardi Kamila GIS Surakarta. This research refers to one year of fieldwork with a case study approach. The results show that: first, Lazuardi Kamila GIS Surakarta Junior High School uses two types of curriculum. The national curriculum (curriculum 2013) for regular students, and the modification curriculum for students with special needs, the practice for the modified curriculum is reflected in the Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Second, the practice of curriculum modification requires contributions from many people, including school principals, class teachers, rainbow teams, student parents, and vice chairman of curriculum division. Meanwhile the components included in the curriculum modification are all things related to learning for students with special needs, starting from the learning plans, learning process and learning evaluation, including supporting factors such as media, time allocation, learning materials and methods. %Z Ro’fah, BSW, MA., Ph.D